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In order to maintain the beautiful island Bali, it is important and necessary to practice environmental protection in every aspect possible. Starting with the material we used for construction through to waste disposal and energy supply – even our waste water concept plays a big role in contributing to the protection of the environment.

Building materials
When we constructed Holiway Garden Resort and SPA, it was most important for us to choose materials without harmful substances and to use natural materials where possible. At the same time sustainability was an important factor for us. Wood and natural stones were used for floors and the walls are painted with non-toxic paint. A double-sided, lined aluminium foil was used for the roof insulation which, on the one hand allows heat to be reflected and on the other hand guarantees a cool room temperature: a healthy room climate. The wooden floors are treated with neem oil, a type of oil which is non-toxic and which we also use for pest control purposes.


Feng Shui
Feng Shui is a principle which is used to harmoniously integrate buildings into the surrounding nature: to achieve harmony between human beings and the surrounding environment. The complete resort was constructed to meet the requirements of Feng Shui and therefore contributes to the well-being of our guests and the residents.


The level of chlorine used in the pool is reduced to a minimum by means of ionization and a specific type of UV-light irradiation guaranteeing swimming enjoyment without causing burning eyes and an unpleasant smell.


Drinking water
We offer our guests drinking water all day long at a small fee: this means that we can avoid plastic waste which is generated by using drinking water in plastic bottles. Our gardens are watered with water from our own well.


Waste water concept
Neither do we want to induce the waste water from Holiway Garden Resort and SPA into the sea or let it seep away into the ground water. For this reason we decided to install a two-chamber system for septic-tanks – this means that the waste water flows into a waste water garden (WWG). This type of system has proven to be ideal, particularly in tropical areas. Plants which are specially selected ensure that a natural decomposition of human waste takes place without any residues. The filtered water is almost 98% pure and can be used to water gardens.


Cleaning agents and insect repellents
The complimentary body care products which we offer are organic and bio-degradable so therefore our waste water gardens (WWG) are not burdened, plants are not contaminated and ground water not affected. The same applies to the washing agents used in our laundry. We only use eco-friendly agents, including the soapnut berry which grows on Bali. The insect repellent which we use is totally nontoxic – neem oil. You can purchase body care products for your own personal care in our shop.


Waste disposal
We started separating our waste during the construction phase: organic waste, non-organic waste and plastic waste. In the meantime Holiway Garden Resort & SPA, together with the Mayor of the village Sambirenteng, has initiated a recycling depot which has taken on the task of separating waste and general waste disposal. Waste is transported to the depot on a daily basis. Organic waste which comes from the restaurant and the hotel are composted.


Energy supply
Holiway Garden Resort & SPA does everything possible to use as little electricity as possible; therefore we installed energy efficient LED lamps and inverter air-conditioning systems. The warm water supply runs via solar energy and gas.


Own organic gardening
Holiway Garden Resort & SPA has its own garden in which herbs, vegetables and fruit grow according to an organic principle: this is our contribution to fighting worldwide global warming.   


Sea fortification
Rather to use concrete constructions and to maintain the land as naturally as possible, we erected a sea-wall which is secured by means of geo-textile (GTR) and tons of boulders. This alleviates the surge of waves and the land is protected from erosion. This is a proven method and is now used in the overall coastal area around Holiway Garden. After a certain time sand collects between the stones (boulders) making it even more stable.


Coral reef
Directly in front of Holiway Garden there is a coral reef which was pronounced a conservation of nature by the provincial government. In order to further protect the coral reef, we built a bathing jetty into the sea. Our guests and the owners can go into the water over the jetty without any risk for them or the reef.
Every owner, guest or holiday maker is invited to contribute to the success of our eco-concept by acting responsibly. Please help us!



Bereits während der Bauphase wurde damit begonnen, den Müll nach „organisch“ und „nicht organisch“ zu trennen und Kunststoff täglich zu entsorgen. Inzwischen hat Holiway Garden zusammen mit dem Bürgermeister des Dorfes Sambirenteng einen Wertstoffhof ins Leben gerufen, der die Mülltrennung und -entsorgung übernimmt. Der Müll wird täglich abgefahren und recycelt. Organische Abfälle, die im Hotel- bzw. Restaurantbetrieb anfallen, werden kompostiert.

Das Holiway Garden Resort & SPA versucht möglichst wenig Strom zu verbrauchen, daher wurden energiesparende LEDs und Inverter-Klimaanlagen installiert. Die Warmwassererzeugung erfolgt über Solarenergie und Gas.


Eigener Garten-Ökolandbau
Das Holiway Garden Resort & SPA verfügt über einen eigenen Garten, in dem Kräuter, Gemüse und Obst biologisch angebaut werden. Somit leistet das Resort einen bescheidenen Beitrag zur Reduzierung des weltweiten Klimawandels.


Um das Land möglichst natürlich zu sichern und Betonkonstruktionen zu vermeiden, haben wir einen Seewall errichtet, der mit Geo-Textil (GTR) und tonnenschweren Flusssteinen gesichert wird. Dadurch wird die Brandung entschärft und das Land vor Erosion geschützt. Diese überzeugende Art der Uferbefestigung ist mittlerweile im gesamten Küstenbereich rund um das Holiway Garden umgesetzt worden. Zwischen den Steinen kann sich nun im Laufe der Zeit Sand ansammeln, der zu erhöhter Stabilität beiträgt.

Unmittelbar vor dem Holiway Garden Resort & SPA befindet sich ein Korallenriff, das von der Provinzregierung unter Naturschutz gestellt worden ist. Um die Korallen noch weiter zu schonen, wurde ein Badesteg ins Meer gebaut, über den Gäste und Eigentümer ganz ohne Gefahren für Mensch und Korallen ins Wasser gelangen können.

Jeder Eigentümer, Gast und Urlauber ist eingeladen, durch sein eigenes Verhalten zum Gelingen dieses Eco-Konzeptes beizutragen.
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